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If you have found this page through one of the names below it is likely that you or your ancestors share the names Banks, Bjork, Bankhead, Valentine.  If so, you may be descendant of our forefathers and I'd be interested in hearing from you if you are willing to share any details you have on this family tree. (See link below)


Ancestry Search - Family Tree of Valentine Banks

In October 2010 I began exploring the heritage and genealogy from a side of my family that had been somewhat less examined. The family tree from the "Taylor, Midgley, Welling" side of the family is well known, but the "Banks, Valentine" side is not and I became interested in finding out more. A friend had some experience in that area and pointed me to a few online resources. I discovered that the Utah State historical society had digitized some donated photographs from a collection by Helen Papanikolas, the collector and donor of the entire "Peoples of Utah Photograph Collection", as well as the editor of a book with the same title.

Here are a group of photos of the Bankhead, Valentine & Banks family courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society Web Site. Here are all ancestors photos I've been able to collect of the family so far, each photo linked to the profiles of individuals. Finally, there's a list of birth years, starting at 1535 and running through 1931 - linking both branches of the family tree - one mostly English branch the other mostly Swedish branch - with one mostly unknown branch ending that I'm most interested in filling out.

James Valentine
Isaac Fred Valentine Banks - Changed his Name from Valentine to Banks
Sina Belle Bankhead Banks
Wayne Raymond Banks (Photo with sister Sina G. Banks in front of Salt Lake Home)
Wayne Junior Banks
Carl Martin Bjork   (Scan of 1910 US Census Including Bjork Family)
Ethel Sophia Bjork

Banks Valentine Pedigree

This week (June, 2015) I became aware of a new online resource called the Freedmen Project at and the following video suggests there may be progress to tracing the other side of my family. I'll update that as it progresses.


This history (of which I previously knew very little) was in the book (at left) and the Utah State Historical Society. The information posted here is from that source, along with and the Rootsweb SSDI Death Records available online. The intent is to help others in their attempts to learn their own ancestry.


Mike Valentine

Feel Free to Contact me at
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I'd be grateful for any contributions of resources, references or personal observations.

Why waste your money looking up your family tree? Just go into politics and your opponents will do it for you." -- Mark Twain